Trusted by some of the best brands:

How we assist you
We do not assist you in redefining your legal problems, we resolve them by rendering clinical, decisive and highly innovative advice, and ultimately by defending our advice and the interests of our clients in the various courts which had already culminated in hundreds of ground breaking reported cases.
Since our inception Snyman Attorneys has evolved into a team of highly revered, pioneering and tenacious business lawyers that has both the flexibility and capacity to offer a comprehensive range of specialised labour, corporate and commercial services.
Snyman Attorneys provides you with benchmark labour attorney services, giving you an added advantage in any case.
Our corporate attorneys aim to provide corporations with legal services that are easily accessible, rapid and usable in the daily practice.
Our commercial attorneys provide legal advice for commercial and business matters, designed to produce success.
Pro bono
Apart from our excellence in legal matters for businesses in boardrooms and courtrooms all over country, we also sacrifice hundreds of hours annually to assist indigent litigants on a pro bono basis to ensure that there is access to justice for all in this in this country. To this end, our firm is an active participant, and in fact one of the highest contributors in terms of resources to, in the SASLAW pro bono program at the Labour Court of South Africa.
Why choose us?
Procedural Fairness
Procedures are fair and un-biased
Dedicated Person
A dedicated person is allocated
to your case
Fast Response Times
8 Hour response times to E-mails or other communication
Fast Outcomes
An outcome is guaranteed to be given within 48 hours